We are looking for professional and experienced blog writers to contribute content for us. If you have any creative ideas or useful knowledge which could help more users and readers working smoothly in the technology world, please contact us. We are looking forward to cooperating with you.

> Please try and keep article length to 700-900 words

> Please familiarise yourself with our content. It is useful to check previous coverage of the topic you are addressing, so your submission complements rather than duplicates it.

> We do not accept submissions sent simultaneously to several publications, as we prefer not to reproduce material available elsewhere.

> Please tell us if your article has been published elsewhere, either on the web or in print, providing links if possible.

> We serve a global audience. So, please avoid references to region-specific arguments, institutions or artefacts without providing a simple explanation for a non-regional audience.

> Please supply us with any links that provide context, explanation or further reading for your piece.

> If this is the first time you are writing for us, please supply a biography with any links you feel are appropriate and, if possible, a .jpg image of yourself.

> Topics we highly recommended: Software Review, How-to articles, Technology news, Tutorials about software, Mac software and Windows software, Latest released iPhone or Android apps.

We are waiting for you sending articles to [email protected]